Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday five

From Revgalblogpals

Oh no! I can't find the font color changer! Oh well, here goes.
Here is your chance to get it out into the open and OWN your Big To-Do! Who knows? Maybe making the list will help you move the Big To-Do to the Big Ta-Da!

1) What home fix-it project is on your Big To-Do?
The one thing I'd like to get done is (like everyone else who has one) organize my garage. Then clean out my closet.
2) What event (fun or work) is on your Big To-Do?
I'm having some folks over for dinner on June 19. They are my favorite folks in Memphis, so I'm looking forward to it (though one of my favorite couples is spending the summer in Santa Fe).
3) What trip is on your Big To-Do?
Assuming I get my visa, which hasn't be approved yet, though my son's has, I'm off to China for about three weeks, then a week long cruise to see the eclipse (6 minutes 39 seconds of totality--a very long time) and then for a few days in Japan. If the visa is denied, then I'll have to rearrange my plane tickets and we'll spend more time in Japan and then catch the ship in Korea.
4) What do you wish was on someone ELSE's (partner, family member, celebrity, etc...) Big To-Do? I'd love for my son to come see me, but his calendar is as booked as mine.
5) Getting inspired? What may end this summer having moved from the Big To-Do to the Big Ta-da? Well, I am still hoping to compete in a triathlon, but that is looking dimmer as I struggled to jog 22 minutes today. I have this month and August and a week or so in September to get ready. Getting old is a real bitch. It is just so hard for me to build up my strength and endurance.

Now, this has been a great time waster to avoid today's to-do: weeding the yard, fertilizing the plants, cleaning up the mess I have created in the kitchen and unpacking.


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Your travel calendar continues to be impressive. Oh...and I forget (conveniently) that those closets always need work.

kathrynzj said...

LOVING the eclipse plan - travel is definitely on my far off future 'to do'. I want to wait until the 4 year old is old enough to appreciate it.

Thanks for playing!

Barbara B. said...

Those are some awesome travel plans!

altar ego said...

Great plans, and good luck on the triathalon training! I'm still working on getting in to the habit of walking!

Auntie Knickers said...

I'm with Altar Ego -- impressed you could even think about a triathlon. Enjoy the trip!