Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Five: Gratitude

We lead privileged lives.

True, some are more privileged than others but the fact that we are communicating right now via technological devices puts us in the privileged category.

There are many perks in my life for which I give thanks and then there are some that make everything right in the world during the moment I am enjoying them. I'm wondering what a few of those things - five to be specific - are for you.

Five things I 'm thankful for (not thankful for the fact that I can't get rid of the itals).
I don't even know where to begin!

1. First is my son. I am grateful that we talk to each other. I know so many people who are estranged from their parents or children. I enjoy being with him. He is funny, has a wry take on the world and is a phenomenal tour guide.

2. Next Are my friends in Memphis, in Cleveland, in California, in Michigan and across the web and the world. I love being with them. I should mention my sisters too. I love that we are connecting on FB. I love seeing my nieces' daughters.

3. OK, away from the smaltzy stuff. I am grateful for my house which I love. There are big windows in the back and it is full of light. I had the back yard completely landscaped (it is tiny) with a pond and a waterfall. The birds love it and I love watching the birds play.

4. I love good food. I am finding that I love cooking. And so, I have a friend who comes to lunch once a week. Cooking for one is not fun, but cooking for two really is. I love going to Whole Foods and sampling the good stuff and the junk food. I love eating in good restaurants. I love eating (in most places) when I travel because the food is so fresh and tastes better than food in the US.

5. I am addicted to travel. I love to get on a plane knowing I am going somewhere I've never been before, knowing that an adventure is in store for me, knowing that I will see things I've never seen before, meet people I've never known before, encounter ideas I've never thought of before. I love getting on a plane knowing I am going somewhere I've been before and love, knowing that I will see old friends, eat at favorite restaurants, visit familiar haunts, hike well loved mountains, dive under the ocean and visit favorite reefs, see favorite fish, celphapods, turtles.

6. I love being alive. I love learning new stuff. I love sitting in the sun. I love going to sleep at night. I love smelling the flowers. (I was serving at More than a Meal last night and began to smell jasmine. I realized the rice I was spooning up must be jasmine rice. I never knew it smelled of jasmine.) I love the feeling of relief in my legs when I've reached the top of the mountain, the end of the trail. I love mountain air. I love the smell of the ocean. I love strong coffee with cream. I love a clean house (not enough to clean more often, though). I love drinking wine with friends and talking about the strangest things. I love photography. I love tools. I love the web.

7. For the last two weeks almost every morning, the first thought that enters my mind is "I am happy." I can't believe the difference retiring, giving up, saying I simply can't do this any more has made in my life.


angela said...

What a complete and beautiful list. Once gratitude starts it just makes life more full to realize we have little glimpses of heaven everywhere.

kathrynzj said...

Great list. I almost listed 'food' myself but since I am not retired (yay, you!) have not been able to dabble in it as I (think) I would like.

Thank you for playing!

Terri said...

awesome for you - retiring and finding new joy in life! good food, including cooking, almost made my list too...

Jules said...

Love, love, love your list!

Anonymous said...

wonderful play! I too love food and travel....both such fantastic ways to experience the world.

Mary Beth said...

How perfectly wonderful. I can't wait to meet you!

altar ego said...

Your list inspires joy. I'll just tap into that for a dose to help me get through today! Thank you, and God bless!

RevDrKate said...

Oh. My. That was simply awesome and amazing. It just was.

Muthah+ said...

I went on LOTS longer than you ;-D

Auntie Knickers said...

I've been away from the blogworld for a while, both reading and writing, and I'm thrilled to see how happy you are now! What a great list of joys.